Wednesday 24 February 2010

The Return of The LRG!

Long-term Beads By Laura followers may well remember that a few years ago I used to do LRGs - 'Laura Random Giveaways' - on my website. Well, I've been thinking and guess what? Yep, that's right - I'm bringing them back! From time to time (normally once a week) I will be posting a Random Giveaway here on my blog. The prize up for grabs may be a single bead, it might be a few beads or maybe it'll be a pendant or earrings but to win it you'll need to be the first person to email me with your full name. It's that simple - the first person to email me will receive the prize. You can be anywhere in the world - it's just first come, first served. Once the prize has been claimed I will say so on the Random Giveaway post.

I won't be giving you any advance warning of these little giveaways - you're just going to have to keep your eyes open but as an introductory, one-off clue I will tell you that the first Random Giveaway will be posted here on my blog at some point today so, in the words of Shaw Taylor, keep 'em peeled .....

To make sure you keep as up-to-date as possible with Random Giveaways please add yourself as a blog follower or you can subscribe to my blog by email or RSS feed. All links for subscriptions can be found over there on the right hand side of my blog.


  1. oooo, this sounds like a FAB idea! ;o)

    I am peeled and waiting!


    hello gorgeous xxx

  2. I will have to keep alert and watch out for your LRG's, sounds like fun!!!

  3. That is so cool! I will definitely keep my eyes open. Thanks!

  4. Ptoui! I was at work & missed it! I'll have to be more alert!

  5. I'm always a day late and a million dollars short! :-)


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!