Monday 15 February 2010

'Turquoise Spottiness'

Lampwork Glass BeadsApparently turquoise is going to be very in this year. Again. It's not one of my favourite glass colours - I prefer to use it as an accent colour but in this set I've gone heavy on the turquoise. The beads are encased and decorated with random lavender spots.


  1. It's not a colour I reach for much either - but these work great together!

  2. RANDOM, Laura! You've said "random"! I remember your blog post about your attempts at random looking very symmetrical and orderly.

    They are beautiful beads. I hope turquoise makes an appearance this summer because the trend for pale colours makes my heart sink (in fashion, not beads).

  3. Yes, the Effetre aqua is quite 'in your face'. I discovered Bullseye blues last summer, and they do a lovely couple of transparent aquas - much more greeny and sublime to my mind - but obviously unhelpfully incompatible with most other things...!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!