Monday 26 April 2010

New Video : How to strike CiM 'Sangre'

I've just uploaded a new video to my YouTube Channel.

After my
CiM Sangre post I had lots of emails from people asking about how you actually strike this glass. It's one of those things that is easier to show you rather than to put into words so I've made a video.

Apologies for the aeroplane noise near the end of the movie. We live quite near an airfield so it's a pretty regular occurrence. You can still hear me, though.

I hope you find
the video helpful.


  1. Wow - really interesting. Thanks Laura, I never cease to be amazed as to how glass reacts within the flame. - thanks for sharing x

  2. always nice to see someone at work! ha!

    nice tute.... ;o)


    hello gorgeous xxx

  3. Thanks so much Laura to share this video, so interesting and instructive, to see you working. It is always a pleasure to see someone playing with fire.
    That Sangre colour is really gorgeous.

  4. Thanks Laura for a very useful video...must get some of that glass now and have a go, it's such a beautiful colour.

  5. I have some Sangre and indeed some other striking colours that do not seem to want to do their thing for me so thank you for that demo Laura. I will now go and have another go x :o)

  6. Thanks for all your comments. I'm pleased you found the video useful (and the aeroplane not too distracting!).

    Laura x

  7. thanks for sharing your knowledge.It's great to understand a bit better what's striking is all about. cheers, B.

  8. That was brilliant, thanks! I've been wafting the bead all over the place!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!