Tuesday 24 August 2010

Breezy Beads

Lampwork Glass BeadsThe weather has been really angry today - lots of dark moody clouds and really blustery wind. I had to have the door and window open as it does get quite warm in the shed and the breeze made beadmaking quite tricky. My torch flame kept blowing about at crucial moments.
This little quartet of blue beads was going to be a larger set but I gave up trying to apply tiny dots upon tiny dots in the breezy conditions. Annoying. But it was just as well as I'm not really happy with the yellow on these. I used Effetre Opal Yellow which is great but it's one of those slightly unpredictable difficult-to-get-consistent-results-with glasses. You don't really know what you're going to get until the beads are annealed and cool because the colour changes and develops in the kiln.
Lampwork Glass BeadsSome of the dots are cream, some are primrose yellow (which is what I was aiming for) and some are peach. Hmmm.
Although the windy weather made melting glass a tad irksome it did wonders for the washing. I pegged a load of laundry out on the line and it was dry in about forty minutes. At one point I did see a sock and a pair of my knickers fly across the grass but fortunately I managed to grab them before they took flight and left the confines of the garden!


  1. I wish I had found you six months ago... I could have come for a lesson - all of this is a bit over my head, but what I can say with certainty is that they are so pretty!!

  2. Well they look gorgeous to me. Glad you are still there and not in Oz!!! :-)

    Joy x

  3. I think they look beautiful :)

  4. It was indeed a good drying day yesterday - I got a couple of loads done in super-quick time too. Fortunately, I managed to hang onto my undies!

    These are lovely beads, I don't think the differing shades of yellow detract from them at all - they've gone already!

  5. They are lovely. And once again I forgot it was Wednesday yesterday. One day.....

  6. What wonderful beads, I'm glad I've found you...

  7. Laura these beads are amazing! The color palette you chose is specular!

  8. They're like Van Gogh's "Starry Night"!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!