Tuesday 31 August 2010

Earring Pairs

Lampwork Glass BeadsHello you! Did you have a good weekend?
I had a bit of a busy Bank Holiday weekend and as such I only have these few beads to show you. These silvered ivory and fine silver earring pairs are for sale over in my Etsy shop as I type .....
Eagle-eyed readers may notice that if you click my blog header a different web address appears in your browser bar. That new URL is www.beadsbylaurablog.com and it is my new blog address. Fear not, you don't have to change a thing as Blogger will redirect the old address to this new one so the transition should be nice and smooth for you. However, if you find things aren't showing up as they should on the old Blogspot address (such as the Followers displaying incorrectly) I suggest that you re-bookmark the new URL instead.
Have a good Tuesday! I'll be back later with beads.


  1. Your shop is empty :...( Lucky you :)

  2. They've gone already! Hope your weekend was fun.

  3. WOW that was fast! Gone already! That is so cool for you!

  4. Thanks all. I'm lucky to have such fab customers. :o)

    Laura x

  5. Arrrgh, they've gone again! Help? How will I ever buy any?

  6. ~Walks off mumbling that her Blog Feeder is having a competition with a snail, and coming second~

    Lush colours, Laura - I love those little bloblets of silver - they remind me of mercury bloblets.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!