Friday 19 October 2012

If it's good enough for DFS ...

Christmas lampwork glass beads

... then it's good enough for me. Last night I saw the most overly-Christmassy DFS television advert. They seem determined to make the whole of the UK buy a new sofa in time for Christmas. I moaned on Twitter about the ridiculously far-too-early nature of the advert and then I realised I'd made a set of Christmassy beads on Wednesday. I have an excuse, though; I have to make the beads so that you can buy them, work your jewellery magic with them and then get them sold or given in time for Chrimbletide.

So yeah, I think I get away with it.

Those simple-yet-pretty 'Festive' spacers up there are now available for ordering on my Beads To Order page. There are a dozen in the strand and they cost £12.00 including worldwide delivery.


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