Thursday 5 March 2020

CiM Testing: Avonlea

Handmade lampwork glass big hole bead by Laura Sparling made with CiM Avonlea

This is a green – a very green – misty opal. It’s so bright and springy!

Handmade lampwork glass heart bead by Laura Sparling made with CiM Avonlea

Again, no trouble with this one on the shocking front but I did have a bit of a bubbly rod. Nothing major and bubbly rods do happen (you can normally tell by holding the rod up to the light and checking for the telltale line/s inside that run along the length of it) but I just thought I’d say. I doubt all rods of Avonlea will have this; I guess it’s all dependent on if there was any air trapped in the original pull at the factory. (I’m guessing here: I don’t make glass – I just melt it.)

The heart bead photo above is just Avonlea on its own and the photo of the big hole bead below is Avonlea with CiM Dirty Martin.

Handmade lampwork glass big hole bead by Laura Sparling made with CiM Avonlea

The beads were photographed indoors in natural daylight.


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