Friday 12 September 2008

Quick note about the prize draw

Loads of you have entered the prize draw so far - there are so many names in the hat. I love the fact that because I asked for your full name lots of you have given me your middle names! By 'full name' I meant first name and surname. You see, I have a lot of Joannes, Amandas, Lesleys, Lynnes and Melanies, amongst others, and it all gets a bit confusing. But feel free to keep sending me your middle names if you want!

There's just one thing I want to point out - the prize is one singular focal bead. It does say that and I did write that the photo shows two views of the same bead. Many of you have sent little notes with your entries telling me that you'd love to win the beads. There's only one up for grabs.

I hope that clears up any confusion!


  1. So glad I am not the only one who decided to take you literally!
    Glad you got a move date - was thinking I was going to have to send you one of my lucky 4 leaf clovers.

  2. I'm quite enjoying all the middle names!

    Yes, relief about the date. Just got all those boxes to pack now .....


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!