Caroline Whelan came for a beadmaking lesson on Wednesday. Caroline is a good bead customer of mine and she's also a bit of an internet chum. We share the same sense of humour and have lots of things in common so Wednesday was a real laugh!
These are some of Caroline's beads. She even had a go at making heart-shaped beads. Caroline had only ever had a one day lampwork course before she came for a lesson. I think she did mighty well - look at those nice round, dimpled beads!
I am having one of those time-slipping-away days today. Some of my long-term readers may remember that the last time my Dad went away on holiday the central heating broke and I ended up freezing cold for five days. Well, I must have some kind of adverse effect on hot water when left alone with it because Dad's gone away on a cruise and the shower has broken. It works but there is no hot water. So I called the British Gas people and they sent a man out this morning who has said that he thinks it is the actual shower unit that is bust so I need to get a plumber to take a look at it. Tsk.
I've just added these two pendants to my Etsy shop. I'm finally seeing light at the end of the Cupcake tunnel. I have one large and exciting order (will tell you all about that next week) to finish off and then it'll be back to normal beads proper and making Cupcake orders as they come in. Is that a cheer I hear?!Must now go and pack up orders, get to Tesco, go to the bank and the Post Office, sort out the washing, do the ironing blah, blah, blah .....