Wednesday, 30 September 2009
The Z-Beads Blog
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Cupcake Desktop Wallpaper

Monday, 28 September 2009
Beads, Dangles & Shudders

I've also added the option of Cupcake Dangles to the Cupcake Beads page. These make excellent little Christmas gifts (and don't shout at me - it's not too early to be organising Christmas pressies. It'll be here before you know it!) and they're fab for attaching to your mobile phone, camera, zipper pull or wherever you fancy a bit of cupcake cheeriness!
You know I mentioned the spider influx the other day? Well, I had spider trauma this afternoon. I spent all day making beads in the conservatory and then late this afternoon my sister called me so I went outside to have a chat on the phone. I glanced up at the conservatory window and there, as bold as brass, was a big fat hairy spider. It was horrid. Its legs! It had such legs! It had shoulders. And elbows. And wrists. And I swear it was looking at me with a big spidery smirk on its face. I froze and went into full-on spider benny mode. I couldn't concentrate on my phone conversation, I started sweating and my heart was beating like a mad thing. I also started that jogging-about-on-the-spot-with-arms-flailing thing but the spider just sat there. You see, this is where the irrational part of my fear comes in. I was in the garden, in the open air, about seven feet away from the creature. I knew it wasn't going to get on me and I knew I could leg it if needs be. But I couldn't move as I had to keep an eye on it to make sure it didn't go anywhere because then I wouldn't know where it was and that would have been worse than it being in plain view. So I was stuck. Dad was out so I stayed talking on the phone to Em until he got back. He came out into the garden (after seeing me acting like a pillock through the conservatory window) and moved the offending spider. He picked it up with his bare hands - his bare hands! - and threw it over the fence. I screamed (deafening poor Emily in the process) and had a tiny breakdown which including me ripping at my hair and slapping my thigh. (I don't know what was with the thigh-slapping - it was just a reaction.) It took at least an hour for me to recover from the incident and even now I keep getting the willies every time I think of those angular zig-zaggy legs. *Shudder!*
Sunday, 27 September 2009
This week .....

Friday, 25 September 2009
Muchos Spiders
John Partridge, some spider expert, says "If you can, get up close and have a look at how beautifully coloured they are."
Nah, you're alright John. I'll just run away screaming, if you don't mind?!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Sparkly Loveliness

Martha's Bath


Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Ripple Socks

Back To Work

Thursday, 17 September 2009
Happy Birthday To Me!

I got lots of fab pressies! Emily (littlest sister) sent me an über-cute Paperchase Tea For One tea set which I am in love with. I have a cup of tea poured from the very pot next to me now.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Tuesday, 15 September 2009
The Purple Chocolate Of Joy!

Lynne and John (Chris's Mum and Dad) have got Milka hot chocolate for their Tassimo coffee machine and I'm now considering getting a Tassimo for the Chris And Laura Box. I tell you, that is one tasty beverage!
Monday, 14 September 2009
And in bead news .....

Early Birthday

Florspace Prize

Friday, 11 September 2009
Mars Socks

Thursday, 10 September 2009

'Frosty Flowers'

I photographed them out in the early morning sun and I have to say it's feeling quite autumnal out there. The air is crisp and fresh. I do so love the autumn and winter.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Bumps Or Not?

I've known people who hate them and people who love them. They're a bit of a Marmite thing, I guess. I decided that I'd do a little blog-based survey about bumpy beads so I could get some actual stats on the topic.
Over on the right hand side of my blog is a little poll. If you get a second please could you vote? This is totally to satisfy my own curiosity on the matter and the results will bear no relation to what beads I do and don't produce in the future. I'm just intrigued.
If you have any further comments or opinions on the (oh-so highly important) matter of bead bumps then please do post them in my comments section.
Thanks muchly!
PS : The 'Maria' beads up there are long gone - I'm just using them as an example of bumpy beadness.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Monday, 7 September 2009
Prize Draw Winner
Well done, Debs. Your pendant will be on its way tomorrow - I hope you like it.
Thanks to everybody who entered the draw. Reading all those favourite cakes was quite hungry-making! I'll do another giveaway in the not too distant future .....
Sunday, 6 September 2009

Saturday, 5 September 2009
Sisters On Ice

Friday, 4 September 2009
A bead for me!

Thursday, 3 September 2009
A Post Post