Sunday 25 October 2009


Lampwork Glass BeadsThese light brown and grey beads are decorated with bands of silvered ivory and tiny droplets of fine silver all encapsulated in a layer of clear glass. Subtle but pretty.

These will be for sale in the usual place at 8.30pm (UK time) tomorrow night.


  1. Oh wow, Mark and me literally just said WOW as I clicked to go on your blog. These are so classy. Love them!

  2. OMG these are stunning Laura, I am almost speechless and drooling, an attractive combination I like to think!

  3. These are lovely, and a departure for you, yes? Or at least, a departure for you since I've "known" you! I quite like!

  4. Oooh they are lovely! Gorgeous colours with just the right amount of sparkle!

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Hi Jo! *Waving*

    Lori - I did some blue ones like these a few months back but yes, you're quite right. They're not my usual style of beads but sometimes you've just got to go with what your bead muse says. This is as 'organic' as my beads get, which isn't very really. ;o)

  6. WOW these are absolutely beautiful Laura.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!