Thursday 20 May 2010

Those green socks

Hand Knitted 'Laurel' SocksSo these are the lime green socks that I finished the other day - the ones that I paired with a purple dress and shocked Chris with.

Hand Knitted 'Laurel' SocksThey are pretty bright but I like bright! The yarn is from Violet Green and it's Sappho in 'Pale Lime'. The yarn is nice to knit with and it has a lovely sheen to it. The pattern is 'Laurel' from Wendy D. Johnson's book 'Toe Up Socks For Every Body'. I like the yarn and I do like the pattern but I can't seem to love these socks 100%. They kind of dragged on a bit and I did quite a bit of frogging as I kept missing the occasional yarn over at the start of rounds (always an easy and annoying mistake to make) but maybe they'll grow on me. I did think about abandoning the socks halfway but I decided that I have far too many single socks and I carried on and finished them.


  1. I love to pair lime green and purple together, I love that look.

  2. What a pretty design! You'll be happy to know you have dragged me down and I have ordered yarn from Artists Palette......sigh....I hadn't bought yarn for oh, at least two months!

  3. Your socks always look so soft, and I always love the colours. I was in Loop the other day - (they are moving soon to big premises) - could spend hours in there looking at the yarn, and I don't even knit socks!!

  4. Beautiful ! I like this colour and also the design very much. Gorgeous:-))


  5. These are lovely. Violet does such nice bright (and shocking) colours (poor Chris!) I love green and purple combos. You should be very proud of yourself for making both of them this time. My annoying thing with toe up socks is that after doing the toe bit plain, on the last 3 socks I have knitted, I forgot to leave the sole stitches in plain stocking stitch and knitted the pattern all over. Last time I had knitted 15 rows before I remembered (der!) Must be some kind of hangover from my cuff down days.

  6. Beautiful! I love the colour.

    Any news about poor Kenneth? I hope he's better soon; I need a bead feed :-)

    Jennifer xox

  7. Thanks everybody! I too am a fan of clashing colours but it has to be said that Chris lives in black and grey clothes and does not own one coloured sock (or a pair!) and therefore he just doesn't get the bright-and-jolly sock thing.

    Jennifer - Kenneth lives! I've finished off the small bead set that I started on Tuesday and will blog a photo of them tonight.

    Laura x

  8. Hallelujah! Three cheers for Kenneth!!! He has risen like the phoenix; what a star!

  9. omg. laura. those are amazing!!!!! i cannot believe you made them. i LOVE them! GREAT JOB! ::clapping::


  10. I just so love the pattern. Perfectly suitable to wear on a green Kinda day :-)


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