Wednesday 17 October 2007

Birthday Cake

It's my sister Sally's birthday today and this is the cake that I made her. Strawberries and cream - yum!

My Google Toolbar 'Mood Ring' thing is telling me I'm stressed and tense and that actually is how I feel today. I blame it on that flippin' spider! I can't seem to get into the beadmaking swing of things. I do have a few beads that I'll photograph and add to the blog later on this evening, though.


  1. My goodness Laura that looks like the best cake ever! I am supposed to be baking a cake this weekend, its a competition between myself and a work collegue. I don't hold out much hope I don't think I've baked a thing since school! In fact I don't even know how to!

    Have you any relaxation cds?? That spider has a lot to answer for!

  2. Thanks Janine!

    The cake was dead easy. It's just two plain sponges sandwiched together with strawberry jam and fresh cream and decorated with more cream and fresh strawberries. Let me know if you want the sponge recipe and I'll email it to you.

    No - I have no relaxation CDs. I hate that dang spider ......

    Laura x

  3. He he a recipe would be great Laura I really want to win! It's either that or I make rice crispy cakes, now I know I'm good at those!

  4. Mmmmmm. Crispy Cakes!

    Okey doke - I shall email you the recipe ......


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!