Monday 4 August 2008

My new lampworking space

New Lampworking SpaceWhen we move I'll be leaving my beloved shed behind. *Sob!*

But all is not lost .....

..... I'll be working in this lovely conservatory. My new beadmaking setup will be just there on the left. Dad and I are going to design and build a flash-and-swanky desk with a ventilation system and everything. It's going to be good!


  1. Oooooh this looks like a lovley room for you to work in Laura!!!

  2. I can't wait to see what your new space will look like.

  3. Congratulations, Laura! That's a beautiful new setup. I'm hoping to find something like that in Hong Kong. :-D

  4. Yes - definitely spider-free which is always a good thing!

    I shall be sure to keep you all updated with workspace development .....


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!