Wednesday 4 February 2009


Lampwork Glass Cupcake BeadsDue to the weather my student couldn't make it here for her lesson today so I spent the day working on these babies instead! And work on them I did. After fifty plus attempts and experiments I eventually figured out the best recipe and method for baking these glass treats.

I adore cupcakes and not just the actual edible ones. I ooh-and-ahh over any cupcakey products that I see in shops and online. I love the look of them. They're colourful, cute and smile-inducing. They can be any colour. These ones in particular have 'chocolate' cake bases and they're all topped with icing (or 'frosting' as they say in the States) and an array of decorations. My head is full of cupcake bead ideas!

Lampwork Glass Cupcake BeadI think these would make super pendants but at 15mm high they would be great as charms too.

I thought I'd post these photos here so I can get some feedback about them from my wonderful blog followers before I launch into creating a bakery's worth of glass cakes. What do you think of them?


  1. They are GREAT! I like how you made the icing (I say that here in the States, too, maybe because I'm Scottish and English and Irish) different than other people who make cupcake beads!

  2. Fab, fab, FAB!! Really love these, so cute and original - and the pink one is just like the ones I made this weekend.

  3. They are completely super fab ! I SERIOUSLY want one of these, as they are going to be the only kind of cupcake ill be able to have on my diet :(

  4. Wonderful beads/cakes Laura. They really are fantastic beads. You are so seriously

  5. Scrummy Laura. And really different. Half a dozen would look fab on a silver charm bracelet.
    BTW I just bought some cupcake bobby pins off folksy - will send you a link they are very cute.

  6. Laura these really do look good enough to eat! They are so realistic! I love them! I want to see more! :o)

  7. sooooo gorgeous!!!!love them

  8. OMG, these are fan-flipping-tastic! I love them, they look amazing!

  9. They are wonderful!! Even my OH said WOW when I showed him! I have absolutely got to have one - so start baking please!

  10. They look good enough to eat!

  11. They are great Laura, I can see some lovely uses for those. More please!!

  12. They're amazing, Laura. I thought they were real cup cakes at first & wondered how you'd managed the intricate designs and glossy finish. But getting those designs into just 15mm is SO clever!! Absolutely love them. If you're going to post them up for sale you'd better make loads as we'll all be wanting at least one of them 'cos they're beautiful. Kay, So'ton x

  13. I am super impressed with these - beautiful work!

  14. Wahey! Thank you all so much for the lovely cupcake compliments! I've got a big old grin on my face. :o)

    I guess I'll be baking another batch of these then .....

  15. I thought these were real! I hadn't been planning to read since I don't usually pay attention to the recipe posts (I don't really cook/bake too time and no equipment here in HK_. Wow...and after reading everybody's ideas on what to do with them, they are just so cute! I can't believe how much detail you get into such a small space. They're fantastic, Laura!

  16. They're just gorgeous! You're going to have to make a lot of these to satisfy demand!

  17. I think they are amazing. You are so talented! Buuuut I haven't had breakfast and I'm starving so not the kind of thing I want to see right now!

  18. Fabulous - please tell me when they will be ready - I'll be waiting :)

  19. yes please!! I'd most certainly like some, they,re fab!

  20. They look good enough to eat. YUM.
    Keep up the good work. :o)

  21. Thank you all so, so much for the fabulous comments. They're all very much appreciated. :o)

    Cupcakes are now available to order on my website.

  22. Woo! Just visiting from daisychains blog - How delicious! I know they'll do very well!

  23. Wow - these beads certainly deserve the response they've got ;) they are gorgeous - and the fact that they are totally non-fat is great for people like me watching weight, lol. If you'er after cupcake items, Tesco are (were?) doing pink & blue mugs with lovely cupcake pictures on the sides (I bought 2 for work ;) I think they were only about £2 each too - bargain!
    Ali x

  24. Wow, these really made me smile x


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!