Friday 20 February 2009

Wonderful Work

Jewellery By Maria João RebeloMaria João Rebelo of Cool Temptations emailed me this photo of an elegant necklace and earrings set that she made using my Luminobeads. Very classy, don't you think?

Thanks for showing me your wonderful work, Maria João. It's always nice for me to see what happens to my beads once they reach their new owners. I'm nosy like that!


  1. nice. You make really wonderful cupcake beads. Will be back for more posts. :)

  2. I'm blushing here Laura!
    Thank you so much for featuring me!!!

  3. Very elegant! The colors remind me of the dress Julia Roberts wore to the horse races in Pretty Woman -- those wonderful polka dots!

  4. Thank you, Jaky!

    Maria Joao - you're welcome. Thanks for sending me the photo.

    Lori - I said that the beads reminded me of that very same thing when Maria Joao bought them! :o)

  5. Lovely! I love seeing what people make with the beads I stalk :oP

    J xxx


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