Tuesday 17 February 2009

Fingerless Mittens

Handmade Finglerss MittensThe concept of fingerless gloves of any type has always baffled me. I've never really understood the point of them ..... until now. They're not just warm - they allow you to use a touch screen mobile, operate the click wheel on an iPod, apply lip balm and eat crisps without the hindrance of woolly fingers. Ingenious!

I made myself these because I lent my other gloves to Emily and in true younger sister fashion I've not seen them again. These fingerless mitts are knitted in a beautiful shade of pinky-purple yarn and for a bit of je-ne-sais-quoi I added some buttons. They serve no purpose whatsoever but they look nice. They're from my Mum's button jar. Vintage! The other week Lori Anderson posted a photo on Flickr of her son having fun with buttons and it reminded me of the hours I spent as a child sorting through my Mum's button collection. So I fished out said button jar and spent far too long deciding which pretties should grace my gloves. I finally went for these little flower-shaped ones.


  1. nice one! i am right into my fingerless gloves too. my mum makes me mine as i am in no way a knitter! yours are fab :) will you be making a pair to go with every outfit?! ;)

  2. Those are wonderful - don't get me started knitting gloves as well as socks! I've just finished one half of a pair and have begun the other one - I love the fact that there's no sewing to do, just weave in the tails and you're done! I'm really looking forward to finishing the other one so I can wear them!

    I dislike sewing, Geoff says it's quicker to get his legs lengthened than to get me to take up a pair of jeans!

    I can't quite see from your glove picture, can you tell me please if there are there dividers for the fingers or is the opening just straight across?

  3. I don't think so, Steph! Mind you, my outfits consist of black tops and blue jeans so it wouldn't be that hard!

    Sue - glad to hear that the sock knitting's going well. Yep - the no sewing thing is a bonus!

    No these are fingerless mitts so no finger holes. They just go straight across. I'm working on a pair of actual fingerless gloves with individual finger bits now though. Will post a pic when they're done.

  4. These are lovely! The buttons are so cute too!

    J xx

  5. That's a cute little pattern, well done. I love fingerless mitts - lived in them this winter. Next you have to explore yarns such as Noro Kureyon......

  6. I could've done with those fingerless mitts when I was selling in the freezing cold in December - think you ought to start selling them - and the socks, Laura!
    I can't stop buying Fat Face's microfibre socks - they double up as dusters for the wood floor as I walk about the house too!!.
    Have you seen those mitts that have a top bit that you can pull on or off the fingers? They're really good too. I had some bought for me but they were really itchy wool so they ended up in the charity bag - shame.
    Kay x

  7. Buttons really rock -- I have tins and tins of them. Literally pounds of them and they're all vintage.

    Thanks for the mention!!! And I love the gloves -- will need some when I start torching in my un-weather-treated shed!


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