Thursday 12 February 2009


Lampwork Cupcake PendantsTime for a giveaway, methinks.

And I'm giving away not one, not two, but three Cupcake pendants! Yes, three lucky people will win a custom made wearable Cupcake. The winners will get to choose exactly how they'd like their cake to look and I will add some sterling silver and turn it into a pretty pendant for them.

To enter, all you need to do is tell me what your favourite pudding is. Please post your favoured dessert in my comments section (or send me an email if you prefer) and I will draw three names at random on Thursday 19th February at 7.30pm UK time. The draw is open to anyone anywhere in the world but only one entry per person please.

If you want to get your hands on a Cupcake bead in the meantime, they're available over on my website and in my Etsy shop.

Good luck!


  1. Think it has to be sticky toffee pudding and custard - especially at this time of year! xxx

  2. Ooo, it has to be profiteroles or NY baked cheesecake!! I am going to be thinking about these all day!!!!!!!


  3. Maybe it's watching the snow falling that is influencing my choice of dessert - baked apple with dates & custard!*!

  4. gotta be marks and spencer's belgian chocolate cheesecake!

  5. Rhubarb crumble freshly made with rhubarb from my back garden, served hot with vanilla icecream :D

  6. Right now, as im on a diet, any pudding would be my favourite. Is that a cop out ?

  7. These are too cute!!! I love bread n butter pudding! YUMM!!!!
    bunnybx at gmail . com

  8. Chocolate anything,but chocolate mousse is the best! I did purchase one of your cupcakes, but one can never have too many!

  9. For me it has to be home-made banoffee pie, yum! Or somethng my mum makes called 'Queen of Puddings' which I believe is like a posh bread and butter pudding with jam on the top and meringue on the top of that!! Recipe available on request!

  10. Not very seasonal I know - but I love pavlova with fresh whipped cream and raspberries from my mum's garden. Mmm.....
    Kristin :)

  11. Oh I love creme brulee, but it has to be just right!(cold with a thick crust)

  12. Tira Misu, but the proper one with loads of alcohol at the bottom - preferably eaten while in Italy....

  13. Coconut Icecream! :)

  14. My favorite pudding is rice pudding. Not exactly sure why, but I love it just the same!

    Kellie Cales

  15. is it sad to say I have many many favorits?? lets see a really nice rich warm oatmeal raisin cookie sounds great right now, but I am just in love with anything made with dark chocolate...


  16. If you're talking pudding I would have to say that Pistachio is my ultimate favorite! If you're talking any dessert it would have to be chocolate hazelnut cheesecake with Frangelico Liqueur whipped cream!

    Laura your cupcakes are so pretty, if I won I would be fighting with my daughter over who got to wear it that day! That is a fight I'd be happy to have!

  17. I Have to favorites, one is the original chessecake from the chessecake factory and the other is my moms´chocolate cake

  18. Ooh - Ile Flotant for me. I just love that light meringue on creme anglais that you get in France. One of the best reasons for going on holiday there!!

  19. Mmmm Treacle sponge and custard. I have a cupcake already, it arrived yesterday and it is gorgeous. I would however love another one, it would really cheer me up as I lost my job today! LOL

  20. Oh my! I'm literally wiping dribble off the keyboard here. So many lush-sounding puds! Sticky toffee pudding seems a popular favourite.

    Cindy - my US-telly-watching other half informs me that in the States 'pudding' refers to a kind of creamy, custardy sweet thing that is available in different flavours. A bit like our 'Angel Delight', I guess. But yes, when I say pudding I mean dessert. Full-on sweet-dreamy-after-dinner-oh-so-lovely-puddingy dessert!

    Jelveh - I too have many favourite puddings. There are too, too many to choose from!

    April - Glad you like your bead. I'm so sorry to hear about your job. That sucks. :o(

    Thanks for all the entries. Keep the pudding comments and emails coming!

    Laura x

  21. yum! it's got to be dark chocolate brownies and clotted cream ice cream for me please! :)

  22. My favourite has to be lemon curd pie....though I do like most of the suggestions above.xxxxx

  23. Wow the cupcakes are adorable Laura! My favorite has to be bread pudding. YUMMY!

  24. definitely anything chocolate. dark dark chocolate.

  25. As I'm on a diet Delia Smith's champagne jelly will do just fine - though I'm secretly hankering after an old fashioned slice of schwarzwald kirschtorte - aka chocolate cherry cake.........

  26. Creme brulee! I can hear my arteries slam shut as I type this!

  27. I love mango puddings! Delicious :)

  28. my favourite pudding is a toss up between cremem brulee (esp if it has a fruity surprise at the bottom!) and sago pudding at yum cha!

    gorgeous shop and beads! yumbo!!!

  29. I have many favorite deserts but one of my all time favorites is warm homemade apple crisp pie with vanilla bean ice cream on top! Yummy!

  30. My fave is probably some kind of meringue / pavlova with caramel. I had a pudding like this at a restatuarnt in France once and it was the most gorgeous this I have ever tasted ;)
    Ali x

  31. I haven't had a grain of sugar for 5 weeks now, but I will just sit here and think lustilly and whistfully of my fav pud of bygone days....It has to be chocolate cheesecake with clotted cream..and marscapone on the side.



  32. Summer pudding, absolutely definitely summer pudding - all that lovely summer fruit squished together, strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants just masses of summer sunshine..... ah yes, the sunshine x

  33. dessert is my weekness! my favorite dessert..omgosh so hard...but i'll go with chocolate chip cookies...mushy, soft, not hard! almost dough ish. :) YOur pendants are DIVINE!!

  34. Saw these and thought of you

  35. Gotta be banana pudding!

  36. I did finally figure out 'pudding' must be more of a broad term in the UK :) For us in the states, its this: in which case I'll have chocolate with sliced bananas and crumbled graham crackers. My husband thinks its disgusting ;)

    but dessert? rhubarb crumble, apple crisp, or warm muffins with a bit of butter in the middle.

    all has to be homemade...mmm...this was the worst post to read right before lunch :)

  37. I think the best pudding I have ever tasted is m&s chocolate fudge cake. Everything about it was just right. It was nice and moist, unlike some that are really dry and just the right amount of chocolatleyness. Fab with thick whipped fresh cream. :o)

  38. vanilla has been my fav since the first time I had it as a little chile!

  39. My favorite pudding is rice pudding with raisins.

  40. This competition is unfair, I want to make a complaint! How the Dickens am I supposed to pick *just one* favourite? I am a size 18 Laura, I didn't get this size by eating salad and fruit ;)

    My favourite favourite has got to be a warm chocolate fudge cake with good quality vanilla ice cream (Mackies is my favourite but I'm not sure how easy it is to get it outside of Scotland). A very close second is any kind of sticky toffee pudding or steamed syrup pudding with custard or vanilla ice cream. Home-made rice pudding is a winner too, especially if it's made the way my Nana makes it with nutmeg and cinnamon.

    That's just desserts. I could go on aaaaall day about cake, cookies and other such sweet things ;)

  41. my favourite desert would have to be one of two things.. either Ben and Jerry's Fish Food icecream.. or brownies.. more specifically the brownie batter.. the best stuff in the world.

  42. I'm a huge fan of Apple pie and custard ... I do love my traditional puds.

  43. Strawberries and Cornish clotted cream. Strawberries remind me of summer and make me feel good inside and they are healthy as well. But, I then have to have lashings of Cornish clotted cream on top, so not so healthy afterall. Being Cornish, everything needs to have clotted cream. No pudding tastes right without clotted cream. Plus when my mum was expecting me she was addicted to strawberries, I was born with a strawberry birthmark - how perculiar. My daughter also has a strawberry birthmark. (sorry for such a long comment)

  44. Raspberry Pavlova. It's so difficult to get the meringue just right; crisp on the outside but soft and gooey on the inside. My dad makes the best pavlova I've ever tasted. Yum.

  45. Vanillia..I'm pretty boring! LOL Thanks for the great giveaway! These are adorable!

  46. My favorite pudding is Pistachio...but my favorite dessert is Chocolate Peanut Butter pie.

    contact me at:

  47. oh, sad. . .i missed it ;( lucky winner! i'll buy some anyway when my budget allows. i'm so glad you're having success on these.

  48. hey wait!! i didn't miss it...silly me ;)) favourite is Creme Brulee, with the thinnest crust possible. yum.

  49. oh yumm! I am a cupcake addict. ;)
    My favorite pudding is pistachio! St. Patty's day is around the corner, almost time for green pudding!


  50. Hmmm, without a doubt my all time favourite has to be Jam Roly Poly and Custard. One of my everlasting memories is of mum making it especially for me as a child and me begging her to make it when we hadn't had it for ages. I was fascinated with how it was done and even now start to salivate when i think about it! Really should ask her to make me one now to see if it still has the same effect!!

    Tanya :)

  51. Amaretto creme brulee with a crisp topping, cold custard and rasberry coulis....and clooted cream on the side!! Pure heart attack material but very nice :)

  52. Woah! So many desserts! I'm loving all these comments. Thanks so much for taking the time to post. :o)

    Incy Wincy - Apple pie is one of my favourites too. Homemade, bit of cinnamon and sugar on the pie crust, with some hot creamy custard. Yummayumma!

  53. Your pendants are wonderful!

    My favorite pudding is pistacio. I'd love to try some good homemade pistacio pudding someday.

    As far as dessert in general though, I'd go with some kind of dark chocolate cake... not too rich though!

  54. As I have an unbelievable sweet tooth this is tricky. What I have always loved since being knee high to a grasshopper is vanilla ice cream with hot (real) chocolate sauce!

  55. Jello Chocolate Fudge pudding, but it has to be the one you cook, not the instant stuff!

    I sure hope I win...such a big cupcake fan!

  56. SO glad I caught this in time! :O

    I would have to say a good warm brownie with melted fudge that oozes out when you slice it open, together with good vanilla ice-cream on the side would be a match made in heaven. Perfect come what season!

    Oh and a good earl grey to renew the palate occasionally. Also a good paperback and maybe the husband too! ;+)

  57. mmm, baby's leg and custard! I think its also known as jam roly poly but my mum and dad always called it baby's leg! Not sure what that says about me as a child, wanting to eat baby's leg!

  58. I have been drooling reading all the posts & Your cupcakes are delish! While I have't been one to turn down dessert probably ever (& I should!!) I have come up with an fave--coffee ice cream with brownie bits, banana, peatnut butter, hot fudge sauce, and whipped cream.

  59. Mine would have to be lime mascapone cheesecake I think - or any of the others listed here!!!! LOL

  60. Chocolate fudge cake with a glass of milk, follow up by a nice steaming cup a tea.
    Absolute pure bliss.
    I am in love with these cupcake beads. Wonderful creations.
    Cheers~ Bairbre Aine

  61. Fresh fruit salad and clotted cream! Mmmmm!

    THe beads are beautiful . What talent you have!

  62. Lemon meringue pie, hands down. :)


  63. Berry Pavlova is my fav, mmmm all summery and light. I love the cupcake beads Laura they ar stunning xx

  64. Those cupcakes are so cute and looks yummy enough to eat. My favorite pudding is Lemon! Yum!

  65. My favorite pudding is banana!

    ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

  66. chocolate pudding with real whipped cream on top

  67. natural yoghurt and honey! I eat loads of it!

  68. Beautiful - mmh, the last comments made me hungry ;-). Love from Machynlleth, Annette


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!