Wednesday 18 February 2009

Sock-Making : My Assistant

My Furry Purry Sock-Making AssistantBuster has no fear of knitting needles .....


  1. Buster is very cute, did I mention I am allergic to cats? and my hamster is

    great socks, you are making them so that is cool, I dont knit well at all, but I an crochet with the best of them...

  2. Good grief Laura, and I thought I was a fast knitter! My dog has to be dissuaded from using my yarn as a pillow - obviously Buster likes the warm woolly stuff too!

  3. Awww, he really reminds me of Jack, my moggy, who's sadly no longer with us. Jack's idea of helping would have been to sit on the wool and unravel things.

  4. Jelveh - I'll make sure he stays out of your way when you come over. My little sis is allergic to him too!

    Janine - Hmmm, he's so lazy I don't think he could be bothered to pick up a pair of knitting needles. Cats, eh? ;o)

    Caroline - I think I do knit quick. And as for the cat, he does occasionally run off with my yarn. That can be annoying!

    CeeGee - He did the unravelly thing the other night and I had to re-knit half a sock. *Rolls Eyes*

  5. Good grief - my two cats Inu & Shuki love a bit of string. If I tried that they would both be inside the ball of wool in about 5 mins with everything tied totally in knots! Good job Buster is a little more passive. Great colours though. So when do we start ordering customised socks instead of cupcakes :-)

  6. I am in awe of those who can knit socks. I can make sweaters, but not socks. Actually, right now all I can do is garter stitch because my son keeps "mommying" me every four stitches.

  7. I tried to get my kittie to do her knitting (she has a stash of suppiles - old scraps and small balls), but she was into it tonight. I just heaped it on her and she kept on snorin'

  8. thought this might be up your street

  9. Cats are just lazy when it comes to handicrafts, aren't they Erin?!

    Thanks for the fab link, Aiya! :o)


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