Tuesday 10 February 2009

Sock-Making : Purple Sockness

Handmade SocksIt had to be done. I love purple. I love socks. That is a recipe for ..... purple socks!

So here we have my second pair of handmade socks, this time knitted in 4 Ply yarn. They're very soft and cosy.


  1. Now you are just showing off! Excellent work - my sock I attempted last week failed and had to be unravelled :0(

  2. One of these had to be unravelled and re-knitted. The cat decided to play with my ball of wool at a crucial moment which resulted in quite a few dropped and un-pick-up-able stitches. Got there in the end though!

  3. They are gorgeous - well done you! I started knitting a sock a few weeks ago, got fed up and tossed it aside. Haven't quite gone back to it yet! You've clearly got more staying power than I do :D

  4. Thanks Vonnie! I hate to be beaten by crafty things. At the end of the day I am the human and I will have control over the wool and the pointy sticks! *Insert evil laugh here!*

  5. Yummy yarn! I must knit some socks - as soon as I've finished my gloves and knitted the hats friends have requested after they saw mine!

  6. laura where do u get your sock pattern from?

  7. Jo - I'd love to knit a hat but I look a total idiot in any form of hat! They just don't suit me at all.

    Angie - I have a book called 'Fab Feet & Cosy Toes' by Anna Tillman. I got it from Borders.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!